Fat separators | grease separator

Fat separators

Fat separators

Fat separators LIPO is installed in places of their excessive formation, e.g. in bars, restaurants, mass catering outlets, meat processing plants, food processing plants, etc.

Natural product fats are a mixture of glycerol esters and higher fatty acids.

They exist in solid, semi-solid and liquid states.

Fats are divided into two groups:

  • animal fats (lard, lard, butter, tallow, cod liver oil, etc.)
  • vegetable fats commonly called oils (olive, Oil rapeseed, sunflower, linseed and others).

Excessive amounts of fats in sewage systems cause pipes to clog. As a result of biological decomposition, fats form corrosive fatty acids with an unpleasant odor.

In urban sewage treatment plants cause serious operational problems (e.g. overgrowing of deposits, oxygen deficit).

Our company produces separators: grease separators , petroleum separators. As separator manufacturer we provide the lowest product prices.

LIPO fat separators

The NavoTech company produces separators in free-standing, under-sink and underground versions.

Free-standing and under-sink grease separators are made of PE-HD polyethylene. Tanks for underground installation are made on the basis of structural, double-walled PE-HD pipes with high circumferential stiffness from SN2 (standard) to SN8 or from C35/45 class concrete.

LIPO grease separators in the NavoTech offer:

  • LIPO-PZ under-sink grease separator, free-standing, made of polyethylene,
  • LIPO-W free-standing separator, made of polyethylene,
  • LIPO-TW separator z settler for free-standing installation, integrated settlermade of polyethylene
  • LIPO-PE separator with settling tank for underground installation, made of polyethylene,
  • LIPO-T separator with sedimentation tank for underground installation, integrated sedimentation tank, made of polyethylene,
  • LIPO-B separator for underground installation, made of concrete,
  • LIPO-BO separator with settling tank for underground installation, integrated settling tank, made of concrete.
LIPO fat separators

LIPO fat separators


Grease separators are an essential element of wastewater management in places where excess fat is generated, such as restaurants, bars, caterers and food processing plants. These devices are designed to capture wastewater grease that cannot be released into the sanitary sewer system. Fat separators they are usually installed in tanks made of reinforced concrete or polyethylene, both underground and as independent objects.

Navotech offers grease separator LIPO, which is installed in places of excessive fat formation. Excess fat in sewer networks can lead to overgrowth of pipes, and as a result of biological decomposition, fats form caustic fatty acids with an unpleasant odor. In urban sewage treatment plants they pose serious operational problems, such as overgrowing of deposits or oxygen deficit.

Under-sink grease separator

Under-sink grease separator is a practical device dedicated to extracting fats and oils from the kitchen drain. They are mounted under kitchen worktop. Its two-part structure includes a settling tank whose function it is wastewater treatment from mineral suspensions, and a separator responsible for separating fats and oils from water.

The work of this device is based based on gravity, thanks to which heavier substances settle to the bottom and lighter ones float to the surface. It is on this principle that fats and oils are effectively separated from water and can be safely disposed of.

Its operation and maintenance are not difficult, and the device is also effective wastewater treatment. Thanks to this, under-counter grease separators are an invaluable tool keeping clean and hygiene in every kitchen.

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